Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mickey's Paw

Mickey hurt his paw a while ago and the vet put him on an anti-inflammatory. It seemed to get better but one day after the meds were gone he started limping again. We had it x-rayed and they couldn't find anything. Several days later when my husband touched his paw, Mickey whined and squirmed, which is rare for him. So we took him to the surgeon for a consult.

My husband just called from the vets and said the surgeon can't find anything either. Mickey is back on anti-inflammatories and we have to keep him from jumping around and playing. That will be tough as he's a very energetic dog. If it stays sore we need to have more x-rays done.

This poor dog goes through so much. But he always stays so happy.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger StarGazer said...

Hi Chrissy:
I got on your site and am happy to add it to mine. It's always nice to meet another animal lover!


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