Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Cows jump for joy

I read on an Animal Planet article that cows can solve problems, and when they do, they often jump for joy. More and more, scientists are discovering that all animals have feelings comparable to humans, as well as reactions and learning abilities (I never understood why they wouldn't think this right from the start).

To test emotional reactions in cows, "...Donald Broom, a professor of animal welfare at Cambridge University, and colleague Kristin Hagen placed a control panel in a paddock. When pressed, the panel would unlock a gate that opened up to an area containing a food reward. The researchers outfitted Holstein-Friesian heifers with heart rate monitors to measure the animals' levels of excitement throughout the process.

"According to Broom and Hagen, it took a while for some cows to figure things out. The cows would stand near the panel and mull over the situation. When some heifers solved the problem, Broom told Animal Planet News that their hearts would race, they would jump for joy, and then they would merrily trot to the food. "

The article can be found at


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