Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Woman poisons neighbor's cats

A woman in Spanaway, Washington (a Donna Clark) has been arrested for three counts of felony animal cruelty because she placed a bowl of chicken soaked in antifreeze on her porch to kill her neighbor's three cats whom she said were trespassing on her property.

The man's cats acted strangely at his house and then started screaming in pain. He rushed them to his vets where they all died within two days. He discovered the bowl and tried to get the sheriff's office to help but they told him he could be arrested if he went to her property to retrieve the bowl of chicken and antifreeze. They offered no other help. The local humane society was too understaffed to help. He then called Pasado's Safe Haven who sent their humane investigator to the woman's house. The investigator received a call enroute and was told the woman had brought the bowl in. He called the sheriff and got an understanding person this time around who had a warrant issued to search for the evidence. They found it and arrested the woman.

Right now the woman is out on $30,000 bail. Pasado's disocovered she is an RN, for crying out loud, someone who would understand the horrible suffering caused by antifreeze.

I am on the action alert list for Pasado's and will try to take the time off to go to the arraignment of this woman next week. We need to show support for the law and to make a statement that this type of cruelty will not be tolerated. A couple local TV stations will carry the story--we are hoping more people will show up at the court house. The charge carries up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine in this state. Most first offenders, according to Pasado's, only get one year, however. Read the story here.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger B said...

Oh man, why did I read that? I'm so sad now. What is wrong with people?


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