Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Maybe I should plant a nest on the site

I read a story on Animal Planet where construction crews stopped blasting and working on roads in Canada because two bald eagles are nesting near the work site. The work is being done on the road between Vancouver, BC and the Whistler ski resort for the Olympic games in 2010.

The eagles are endangered in Canada and protected by law. The crews need to determine if a little bald eagle is on the way.

We have a sand and gravel mine about to start production near our home. One of the concerns I brought up to the judge at a hearing (our community tried to stop them from being allowed to operate so close to our homes) was that many bald eagles live there and excessive noise will stop them from breeding. They are protected in the US as well as Canada. No one seemed too concerned at the time. Maybe we should move to Canada.


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