Monday, March 27, 2006

Help stop the seal hunt!

The annual Canadian seal hunt is on, where hundreds of thousands of baby seals are clubbed and skinned (at times, alive) for their fur. A drive is on to stop this horrific event. Please visit the International Fund for Animal Welfare's site (IFAW) to learn about this. They are at

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) also has a site with information: Both offer the chance to sign a petition that will be sent to the Canadian Prime Minister, and e-mail forms where you can write to congress and to the Canadian Prime Minister.

These hunts are not economically necessary to the fishermen and others who participate. Greed drives this gore. We need your help to stop it. Paul McCartney and his wife Heather have joined the cause.

A boycott of restaurants that purchase Canadian seafood has been running in order to put some weight behind our pleas to stop the hunt. The owners of Red Lobster and Olive Garden purchase Canadian seafood. I wrote them several months ago because I used to eat at the Olive Garden (albeit as a vegetarian) and wanted them to know I would no longer eat there. I was basically told, "Nice to have known you. Have a good life." They feel their purchases aren't connected and refuse to take part in the boycott. Other restaurants have joined us. The HSUS site has information on the restaurants. Please write them and the other companies listed to let them know your views.

Thank you!


At 5:41 PM, Blogger StarGazer said...

Thank you, Sue! It's good to have your support.


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