Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Cloning can't bring a pet back

I listened to a brief story about pet cloning last night on NPR radio. Two kittens have already been cloned in the US and dogs are next.

Cloning will not bring back a pet that has been lost. Personality, the trait most often sought by a heart-broken pet owner, is a unique thing and cannot be duplicated, even by cloning. So many, many animals are in shelters waiting for a good home, so many are euthanized each year, that cloning will only make worse an already epidemic problem.

I see cloning as another step in a throw-away society. Don't like what you see? We'll change it next time around. Don't worry about death, that pet (or human, down the road) is replaceable.

The HSUS has released a statement on cloning. I imagine many more shelters will be doing the same.


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Great blog!! I followed the link from Warm Puppies...I've added you to my blogroll. Keep up the good work!! Animals always need a positive voice in their favor. Come visit my blog sometime.

At 7:11 AM, Blogger StarGazer said...

Thank you both. Cheryl, I will add your site to my blog as well. Sounds like you are a very busy person doing great work!


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