Monday, April 11, 2005

Boo and Shadow, Too

I have been feeling bad because I usually talk about Mickey, our dog, on this blog, and we also have two kitties: Shadow (pictured here in his favorite position) and Boo (pictured below).

Shadow is a Persian and will be 13 this summer; Boo will be two. We rescued Boo from a life on the streets as her mom was a feral cat (or near-feral; she was actually too friendly to be considered feral). We found Boo in a tree stump near our house one day. We waited for the mom to return but when it started to get dark and no mom we took her in. She was only about 3 or 4 weeks old.

I slept with her in our guest room and got up every couple hours to feed her kitten formula that night. The next day my husband spied the mom kitty walking around near the house so he grabbed Boo and held her out to the mom. The mom kitty sniffed Boo, grabbed her and ran off. We thought we'd never see them again. A few weeks later we spied the mom with other kittens nearby and our neighbors said they were all living in their wood pile. We worked with our neighbors to get them all out (three of us got bit by the kittens). Then we took them to the vet to get de-wormed and to get their shots, and got the mom kitty fixed--no more kittens.

I kept Boo and we gave the other kittens to people my husband worked with who we knew would give them good homes. We tried to keep the momma kitty but she attacked our dog every time he came near her. And I mean really attacked. She would get on her hind legs and hold out her front claws and go after him. Poor Mickey likes kitties as he has lived with one since he was born. He was quite confused. We tried to get the mom adopted but no one would take her.

We kept the momma kitty outside and fed her even though I wish she could have lived indoors with us. She had other cats always hanging around with her. Then one day they all disappeared and never came back. I really hope she found a home. We looked for her in our neighborhood but she completely disappeared.


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