Monday, October 24, 2005

Taking a car trip with pets? Motel 6 welcomes you!

My husband and I are going to Mississippi for Christmas and decided to drive from Washington state so we can take our dog (plus my husband has a deathly fear of flying, but that's another story).

We discovered the Motel 6 chain welcomes people traveling with their pets. They offer an online directory with phone numbers, directions, amenities, etc. for each motel, which you can use without an Internet connection. They will even draw your route for you from one point to the other and tell you what Motel 6 motels are along the way.

Check out their Special Programs page to read about their expectations when you arrive with a pet, which are minimal, and get some tips about traveling with an animal.

Now if only the kitties liked car travel....

Monday, October 17, 2005


Our dog Mickey and our kitty Boo, whom I have mentioned in this blog several times, are best friends. But we discovered that Mickey's generosity goes beyond what we would expect where Boo is concerned.

At times we give Mickey a chew bone as a treat. He takes it from us, goes over to a favorite spot on the rug, and starts chewing away. Boo gets curious and follows him to investigate. Yesterday not only did she stick her face in Mickey's while he was eating, then rub against him, she started to lick the bone.

Mickey just kept chewing. He even adjusted his nose a little so Boo would have better access to the bone. After a few licks Boo decided it wasn't for her, and plopped herself next to Mickey's paws to stretch and watch.

What's funny is that when it comes to toys, Mickey isn't so generous. If Boo or Shadow, our other kitty, plays with one of his toys and he notices, he immediately goes over to the toy and pulls it away from the cat. But food, which we though he would never share, he seems to be okay with.