Wednesday, April 13, 2005

An emotional cost to save Toby

Many of you are probably aware of the Save Toby Web site that is demanding $50,000 from visitors to the site. The money is to save Toby, an adorable rabbit, from being eaten by its owner. The owner is the one maintaining the site.

As it does any animal lover, the site infuriates me. I have not made a donation because I don't believe in extortion--monetary or emotional. I even debated whether to post this entry to my blog because I hate to give such people any type of advertising. My husband wrote a nasty e-mail to the owner and contacted PETA to see if the site was illegal. It is not. The owner has posted some of the hate mails he has received (he seems very proud of them) and has also posted responses from animal rights groups such as PETA stating they can do nothing about what he is doing.

I am curious to hear from others about this. If you'd like to post a comment, please do so. Do you think this is harmless? Do you believe they will eat the rabbit if they don't get the money (it is my understanding there are two young men doing this)? Do you believe others will copy this emotional-blackmail type of site? Thanks for your thoughts on this issue.


At 11:09 AM, Blogger jules said...

Love this whole blog! Anything that raises awareness of the plight of our animals is truly a Godsend.

As for Toby... no, I don't think it should be allowed, nor do I think it's for real. I mean, the whole "rabbit eating" thing seems forced and designed to incite anger (and scam some bucks).
If they wanted to eat some bunnies, they would have, or already do- and think nothing of it.
I have little tolerance for people who are manipulative and arrogant. These people (yeah, I thought there were 2, as well), are aged juvenile delinquents with a computer- and should be treated as such- ie, we shouldn't give them the satisfaction of getting attention...or our money.

At 7:05 AM, Blogger StarGazer said...

I agree with your comments and I truly hope they wouldn't eat their own pet. Unfortunately, they've gotten TV coverage with this (although they did a phone interview, afraid to show their faces!).

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the site is ingenious. Anyone who is clever enough to harp on someone's emotions to make that kind of money is a true American capitalist. I wouldn't be surprised if they ate the bunny even if they received the money anyway just for comedic value. It is rather unfortunate that PETA (I think) has had their donation option shutdown, hence dooming this rabbit to being eaten, but hey, that's double standards for you.

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... just wow... I assume you're a vegetarian? its JUST a rabbit!! do you know how many rabbits are killed and eaten every day? neither do I, but I guarantee it's at least one. you don't have to give this guy money, its purely optional, and you say this is extortion? extortion is when you blackmail someone, threatening to harm THEIR posessions or them if they do not give you something. He is threatening to harm HIS posessions, which is totally legal and totally not extortion. I, for one, find it quite hilarious that anyone gives a shit, given the amount of pet rabbits killed, let loose in the wild (where they live for around 3 days) or given to animal shelters because they don't like physical contact and are very demanding pets. GET A LIFE.


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